Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Note: Translation - this blogger uses "wonderful" in place of ranting, screaming, and saying horrible (but deserved) things. However, if this blogger actually does rant, scream, and say horrible things about someone or something, that means that someone or something was really a sh*thead dumba** jerk that deserves to be taken out back and shot.

Today was destined for failure from the beginning. Hubby doesn't work until noon and so kindly let me sleep in until I woke up in a panic at 11 am (it was a nice thought). Tadpole has refused to be out of arm's reach all day. Yesterday, the "wonderful" mowers cut our phone lines and today I was told the earliest it could be fix was Thursday. This wasn't so bad until I received the email I've been waiting on pins and needles for - a job offer - a freaking work at home job offer! A chance to have 2 incomes again without shelling out millions for daycare. A sparkle of hope that we could really someday be able to afford a real house and move away from this "wonderful" management company. I have dreams about the day I can turn in the keys to our apartment and tell them exactly what I think of them followed by kiss my ass!

Luckily there is something good about today - my loud ranting about the "wonderful" management company did not wake Tadpole! The silly little bugger took a 3rd nap yesterday, was up until 10ish, and then woke up again at around 1 am when Hubby was forging for food in the kitchen. He stayed up until around 3 am and still woke up like clockwork this morning. So the real reason Hubby let me sleep in is that he got with Tadpole, got him feed, played for a few hours and then got him back down for a morning nap so that he could just crawl back into the bed I'd been keeping warm, cuddle, and go back to sleep. I can ignore that he had selfish reasons for keeping me bed :)

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