Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mommy Wars Disclaimer :)

From the outside, the world of mothers looks just like a group of women from every walk of life that are united by little screaming bundles. They can tactfully discuss if they are home birthing, natural birthing, or modern birthing or breastfeeding/bottlefeeding without causing major fights or rifts in the online communities. Then someone will bring up stay at home (or work at home) vs working and the claws come out. There is just something about this discussion that can be the end of friendships, draws the battle lines in groups, and veteran Moms know to keep hush-hush. So why did I bring up such a taboo subject? To give you my blog disclaimer so to speak:

I am a SAHM, however, I do not intend my experiences to persuade or dissuade you from being a SAHM. The purpose of this blog is to voice the side of SAHMing that I think Moms are afraid to admit to themselves or even to each other. I can not tell you if you should be a SAHM, WAHM, or working Mom, I can just share my experiences as a SAHM. I suggest you seek out other Moms of every kind to get a better idea of each option before deciding what is right for you.

And now the fun can begin! :)

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